My first bug bounty



I was playing FiveM (the modded version of GTA V that allows users to create their own servers and scripts) and found out that the server I was playing on had an ingame phone. Now on this phone there was a twitter application, which allowed users to post tweets with images. I knew from previous experience that FiveM uses chromium to render their UI and conveniently had devtools available.

The exploit

It was actually quite simple. While the server did filter “malicious” URLS the filtering logic wasn’t quite so good. It looked something like this:

-- Check if the URL starts with discord's media server,
-- as we know this is safe.
if not url.startsWith("") then
    return false -- The URL is malicious!

At first glance this might look as pretty secure, but there’s a catch. The filtering logic didn’t account for an old URL feature: user information.

url structure graphic

So this, for example, would bypass the malicious url check:

https://[email protected]

Now if the attacker logs all requests they can gain info about the players on the server, which is obviously quite bad. I also discovered the same issue in a messaging app on the phone, which is even worse because it allows attackers to target individual users.

After reporting this exploit to the server developers, they awarded me €100 as a bug bounty!

Bug Hunting Beyond

I looked around some popular phone applications on GitHub for FiveM and found that some had the same vulnerability. I opened some pull requests like this one.

In conclusion: Report those bugs, guys!

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